The Story Behind Malleco Wine Club

It was one of the most exciting themes we ever had in our Wine Club. The idea of showcasing the southernmost winemaking region in the Americas sounded incredible. Pedro and I will look at the possibility with so much happiness to bring a new experience to our members. 

There was just one problem, we didn’t have the wines. We were two weeks before our Wine Club Release and we only had an idea.

We started the research, we made some phone calls, and we came to the conclusion that the only way to have the wines from the Malleco in DC was to bring a pallet (56 cases) ourselves from an importer in NY.  

We run out of options. We explored every single angle possible to bring that pallet to us through our vendors, distributors, friends, families, and even hiring drivers. But nothing appeared to be working that last week of August. There was no option left than to rent a van and go by ourselves to pick up the pallet in North Bergen, New Jersey.  

It was close to 8am when Pedro came to pick me up… There was a little problem, he told me,   the place where we rented the truck did not have any cargo left, so we had to just take a passenger van. 

The trip was nice, traffic perusal was terrible close to NY, the late summer weather brought us a nice breeze. We could even see some tree leaves changing color.

We arrived in NJ in around 5 hours, and because we were in a passenger van we had to load the pallet by hand in the passenger seats. Suprisingly we were able to fit them all. It was around 4pm when we changed the coordinate into our GPS: 1550 7th NW 20001. It was time to go back to DC. 

We arrived at the store at 9:45 pm and we still needed to unload the 56 cases of Pinot Noir and Sauvignon Blanc. It was a great experience, we were tired but absolutely happy that we were able to bring new wines to our members. It was time to celebrate, we opened a bottle and we had a glass of Malleco, before driving back home.