Envínate: Vinos del Atlántico


For a wine to grace our shelves, it must be an honest wine. We love wines made ethically, that speak of the places they come from, and have flavors, textures and aromas appropriate for the style and grape variety. A producer that embodies exactly what we look for is Envinate.

In the winery, Envinate practices low intervention techniques with the goal of allowing the grapes to express themselves. Sulfur, if needed, is only added at bottling. No new oak barrels or steel touches any of their wines, only neutral oak or concrete. The results are subtle, yet astounding. These wines ask you to pay attention to find the little flourishes of flavor and texture that make them so special. Super fresh and mineral driven, they achieve perfect balance in their fruit profile. While each bottling is unique from another, these wines have both a sense of place, and a personality reflecting the four winemakers’ vision and tastes.

While we feature two wines below, visit us or call us to ask about the other Envinate offerings we have.